*NEW* Free legal consultations for trans people and their loved ones

Free legal consultations in civil law, family law, criminal law and immigration law for trans people and their loved ones in Quebec.


Trans I.D. Legal Clinic

We can answer questions, offer information, and accompany anyone with the process of changing one’s legal name and/or legal gender marker in Quebec. This service is available remotely throughout Quebec (and around the world in some cases), and in person in Montreal and Quebec City (occasionally other cities as well).

Virtual Trans ID ClinicIn-Person Legal Clinic

X gender markers in Québec

Updates on the situation with X gender markers in Quebec, its implementation with the RAMQ and the SAAQ, and the things we’re doing to force the Coalition avenir Québec to act sooner.

Read more

Information database on civil status

Written information, written by jurists and law students, about the name and gender marker change process in Quebec, as well as the implementation of X gender markers in said province.


Directory of commissioners for oaths

Directory of certified-trans-friendly commissioners for oaths in Quebec.

List of commissioners for oaths


List of resources on the topic of “being trans”, in Québec, in 2024.

Coming soon

Get involved

Access to justice doesn’t come out of nowhere – it’s a phenomenon that requires the participation of civil society at large. This is particularly the case for lawyers, notaries and law students, who often have access to resources that few other people have. Do you want to help build a fairer world for trans and non-binary people? Write to us, we might just have the opportunity for you!


Let’s build a more just world, one where no one is left behind, whether it’d be for their transness or for who they are in the eyes of the government.