Free legal consultations for trans people

(as well as their families & loved ones)

A first: free legal consultations for trans people, their families and loved ones in Quebec! This pilot project, running during the months of August and September 2024, will eventually lead to the creation of more permanent services for the benefit of the local trans community.

Here are the different fields of law we can serve:

  • civil law
  • tenancy law
  • employment law (employee side only)
  • family law
  • victims' law (re: criminal acts, sexual assault victims, etc.)
  • criminal law (August 8th only)
  • immigration law (August 8–10 only)
  • refugee law*
  • vital statistics applications (such as name changes & gender marker changes: Trans ID Clinic)
  • criminal record checks & verification

*A specific process will be set up for appointments in refugee law. Please click here (TBA) to book an appointment. No refugee law consultations will be given at our pop-up booths.

You may find us after the Montréal Trans March (link), on August 3rd between 4:30pm and 8:30pm at Parc Lafontaine, or at the Olympic Stadium in the context of Fierté Montréal (link), between August 8, 9, 10, and 11 between 5pm and 8pm (with limited services until 11pm). In each case, find the kiosk with Juritrans’ banner: our intake table will be there to welcome you.

The lawyers and notaries who will be present have been given training by us to ensure that they are ready to address the community’s case.

More information to come. This project is graciously financed by the Fonds d’études notariales of the Chambre des notaires du Québec, and implemented with the help of our partners at Juripop.